Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My own Daytona 500 (things I gotta do)

 I have found myself, once again,being curious about the blogging world. Is it just another way for me to become sidetracked? I suppose that I could be doing something that would appear to be more productive like dishes. Or laundry. Cleaning of any kind. Or even taking a nap. OK, maybe the nap is not so productive. But here I am, starting this blog. Putting it all out there on the web. How exciting!
 Where do I start?
 The truth is, I just needed a place to put my thoughts. You know the old saying, a place for everything and everything in its place. But my thoughts are so random and sometimes reckless. These thoughts circle my mind like they are racing to win the Daytona 500. I can hear it now. "Nearing turn three and taking over the Things I Gotta Do Today- Shove-it-rolet, is the Putting Off Tomorrow So I Can Stick My Head In The Sand -and Dodge-It. This is going to be a close one, folks." I wait, anxiously. This could be the day that the Things I Gotta Do Today wins. Wouldn't that be a great day for me. I have a huge vested interest in that one winning. People could come over and see that I was busy today and completed a great cleaning list! Only a couple of more laps to go. I am on the edge of putting on my shoes, my thoughts are neck and neck. This is a great battle in my mind, not so great when I see who wins. The points leader is almost always the Dodge-It. This isn't the first time for this old thought to be in the winner's circle. In fact, it is the track champion. I look around this house and I can see it has acquired its own fan club. A mass of followers. Lots of single socks, lost Barbie clothing, and many Honey, where is its. Looking around, I see that this group has recently grown and  also includes the hunting and fishing groups, the keys to things no one remembers, and the colorful broken crayons.  And the burnout? Oh yeah, Dodge It has a great burn out. It is that feeling of being so overwhelmed at times, the only thing I want to do is sleep. So, with that in my mind, I would like to toast and thank the Putting Off Tomorrow So I Can Stick My Head In The Sand for bringing me this great victory nap!